Thursday, January 23, 2014

No, I'm not that mom

Before I had my kids I defiantly had a vision of what kind of mom I would be. And by this I mean I would be in restaurants where children were running around screaming with spaghetti plastered to every inch of themselves and think to myself, NEVER, never will I allow my future children to do this!
And to some extend I have managed that. When we go out to eat the kids are not allowed to wonder the restaurant and behave like hyenas. However I have had my moments in the grocery store where if I am not walking down the middle of the isle, my son has an amazing "wing span" and will grab anything and everything  and throw it on the floor or in our cart. 

I am very blessed in the sense that my office manager allows me to bring my kids to the office when I need to. Some days babysitters are just not available and I needed a job that would be sensitive to my situation. I'm also blessed that Real Estate affords me to do this.
Daphne has been coming to work with me literally since she was a month old. Jaxon as been a bit of a different story. He has come with me as well, but dynamite comes in small packages. He was not content sitting there watching videos. No, he is mostly about chaos and mess. Case in point:
But though out my journey thus far as a mom, I have come to the conclusion that, no I'm not that mom that I originally thought I would be.
I will end up giving my kids candy with high fructose corn syrup. I will give them cold pizza in the morning because I'm too rushed and too tired to make breakfast at 6 am.  I will be giving my son chocolate milk in the mornings because that is the only way I can get him to drink milk period.
I have ended up picking up my daughter from school in my PJ's just because I was just to sick to think about what all the other mom's would think of me! (something that I also told myself I would never do!)
And in the end will my children remember the mom who gave them chocolate milk in the morning and they were happy, or will they be mad because I should have read labels and not given them No. 2 yellow dye in their mac & cheese?
For now, I like to think that they would be happy with the chocolate milk. 

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