Thursday, March 20, 2014


Ok we can all admit I'm not the best blogger. But what I have begun to notice is that on a lot of popular blogs, the originator of the blog isn't either!
They have guest bloggers, their mom's, their co-workers, best friends, you name it!
So I have decided to go with the flow. To day I have asked a wonderful friend to be a guest blogger for me.
And when I say she is wonderful, I mean it in every sense of the word. She is the kind of friend that pushes you at the gym, bakes hundreds of goodies for her kids bake sales, is humble to a fault, and you had better not mess with her friends! And looking gorgeous while doing it all! She won't admit any of it, but I promise it is all true!
So with out further ado, her Andrea Oaks-Jarmillo!

When Molly asked me to be a guest blogger I was naturally uber excited, what a privilege to be included in someone else’s world of blogging. Then, I had a moment of panic! What was I going to write about? Was I going to funny or serious, witty, am I witty? I settled on this, kid stuff, this I know well. I am not claiming to be a “wonder” parent that I am not. I, like all other good parents, am hoping to instill love, values, compassion and understanding within my kids and at some point get a full nights’ sleep again. Sometime.
            With two older kids (7 and 9) I see a lot pressure to succeed, be the best at sports, excel academically, be a child protégée. That’s all great, I am my kids’ biggest fan but, what about being a kid? Playing in the dirt, paint your face with liberal amounts of color that never come out of washcloths and telling secrets in treehouses? We need to remember to cheer our kids on but let them enjoy themselves. Not everyone is going win, that’s why it’s called a competition. Losing is ok, it’s a learning experience. Not everyone is going to be a CEO, heaven knows I’m not the head of an international travel company that samples chocolate.

My point is, they grow up too quickly, we try to force a lot upon them. I’m guilty of it too. I have seen a lot of parents trying to live vicariously through their kids, DON’T. It’s bad for you and them. They are going to be the best they can be because you taught them to believe in themselves and to get back up when they stumble. If you want accolades for achievements in sports or fitness put down your latte and go to the gym for a minute. Your body will thank you and your kids will shine on their own. This goes for art, music and academics. Teach your kids that you are willing to learn and falter with them. I guarantee that they will be as proud of you as you are of them.

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